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We Make Crypto Brands Go Viral

We Make Crypto Brands Go Viral.

“Getting listed on Fortune, Moneyinc and WhatInvestment were a credibility game-changer. Let’s just say it had the exact effect I was hoping it would…” Mike T June 2021


STEP ONE: We Place Your News On Premium Sites

Our financial journalists work with tier one news outlets to host your content and to tell your crypto projects story. Our tiered packages include 1 or more guaranteed tier one placements, giving you a huge credibility boost and unique marketing angle. This is hugely unique in crypto, a space where running regular ads is hard enough, meaning you can be amongst the only crypto projects in the World getting this sort of feature on a brand name website. 

STEP TWO: We Amplify Your News To Our CME™ Crypto Audiences

With over 550,000 crypto investor email addresses, 1k+ Telegram group and digital programmatic advertising platform audiences of over 7,800,000 validated crypto investors – we amplify your premium publisher placement to our uniquely qualified audience segments. This lets us guarantee that you get engagement – making us the only crypto agency in the World offering a guaranteed outcomes buying model. 

STEP THREE: You Get A Guaranteed Number Of "Deep Engagements"™ (and all the rest are free!)

We’re the Crypto attention network because we have a unique capability to drive deep reading engagement. This is a combination of our unique ability to get you listed in premium environments which users trust enough to engage, our agencies technology stack and our ready-to-go crypto investor audiences. 

Each package comes with a minimum number of Deep Engagements™ – defined as a minimum of 30 seconds reading your content, and either 1.scrolling either half way or further down the page OR 2. clicking on your stories Call To Action button (example linking to your project on Coinbase etc). 

You also benefit from an enormous amount of other engagements and free advertising impressions, which you don’t pay anything for, including

  1. Impressions of your story in the regular newsfeeds and content wells of the host website (how many of us read headlines without clicking, but are still impacted by them?)
  2. People who read your story but don’t trigger our Deep Engagement™ criteria (less then 30 seconds of reading)
  3. People reached in their email or Telegram inbox but who don’t click through and read at least 30 seconds of your content on the host website/s
  4. Social media posts from our 400+ influencer network – but again, where people don’t click through and read 30+ seconds of your content
  5. Much much more – remember you only pay for the most qualified Deep Engagements™ and this is hugely unique to CME. 

You have questions, we have answers

Book your completely FREE, no-obligation meeting to discuss your project with our crypto experts, and find out how we can help take your project to the moon.


Enabled through our unique technology stack, which dynamically moves marketing budgets based on performance. We buy across Google, All Social channels, and 12 other platforms. 


Leverage the trust & authority of the Worlds leading online publications. Guaranteed placements on brand name publishers, think of it like PR on steroids


Our segmented 550,000+ Crypto investor emails give immediate reach into hungry investors – who have already benefited from our top tips. 


Benefit from our pre-negotiated rates and unrivalled market access to the worlds top publishing brands and leading advertising networks.

Crypto Infleuncers

400+ top tier influencers across platforms including YouTube, Reddit, Discords, Telegram & more.


Immediately tap into our  7,800,000+ proven dynamic crypto investor segments, leveraging historic investments to drive your outcomes These were built from over $7.5m of advertising investment. 

Are you ready to make your brand Go Viral?

Our Agency

With over 17 years experience in he cutting edge of the digital advertising ecosystem in London, we know the ins and outs of how to leverage technology to buy growth. Combining cutting edge digital activation (media buying technology which we invested over $11m in) with deep sector expertise, we’re able to marry the authority which comes with placing your brand in premium publishers with the ability to drive laser targeting audiences to that content.

Think of us like PR on steroids. Guaranteed placement in tier one publishers, with the ability to drive your perfect audiences to that page.


Crypto Marketing


List your project on premium, tier one publishers


Laser targeted, dynamic crypto investor audiences are sent to that content


Full measurement and attribution


Your coin gains authority and thousands of hungry investors feed off the trust of the premium placements and influencers authority


Crypto influencers


Tier 1 publishing partners


Crypto investor emails, segmented to drive the best open rates and deep engagement. 

A unique technology platform

Built from the ground up.

Connects the data from the worlds 12 biggest advertising platformS – GIVING one single view on whats working best 

ALL influencer activity is monitored side by side against the paid ads – driving the investment decisions we make for you 
ads are dynamically optimised to achieve deeper content engagement and to ensure every $ is spent precisely and with minimal waste 

Learn more about our unique ad-tech platform



We help advertisers reach and engage their target audience, through content they’ll love in trusted editorial environments.

The digital landscape has never been so crowded – people have more information and less time than ever before, and they’re increasingly discerning about what they consume online. Our unique native formats are the ultimate opt-in advertising, ensuring genuine engagement with your brand content, across our premium publisher network.


We help crypto currency owners and investors to reach and engage their target audience, through content they’ll immediately trust in super-premium editorial environments.

The digital landscape has never been so crowded. There’s never been more ICO’s and noise around Crypto. Investors are becoming our parents. Investors on all levers are increasingly discerning about what they trust when they’re reading online. Our unique native formats are the ultimate opt-in advertising, ensuring genuine engagement with your brand content, across our premium publisher network.


Our content, presented in premium publishing content, are advertising formats which increase brand sentiment, rapidly build coin awareness and project trust, whilst not annoying your potential investors.

Using best-in-class technology, your content will match the type, format and quality of the host publisher’s own pages, and will sit in 100% viewable placements, within the flow of editorial.

Our expert team provide end-to-end support for your native campaign; We plan, create the editorial content, distribute and measure. We can also repurpose your existing assets, so you can make the most of what you’ve got.


That’s why we are The Crypto Attention Network.


Our content ad-serving technology lets us create multi-variable tests, and to rapidly iterate and scale. We combine the ability to change key page elements, like headlines and opening content, whilst measuring the impact of the changes using our attribution technology stack. This lets us rapidly make changes – as every single reader is a potential future investor – and not one content engagement can be wasted when you’re targeting as precisely as we do.
  • 6 out of 10 Crypo investors are on Reddit subreddits 60% 60%
  • Bitcoins price growth in February 2021 66% 66%
  • The Top 10 Cryptocurrencies make up 88% of the global crypto market cap – do you want to join them? 88% 88%
  • The percentage of crypto users who own Bitcoin in 2020 65% 65%
  • Peru’s Bitcoin adoption rate in 2020, the highest in South America. 16% 16%

Combined with Grassroots social

Between Reddit, Bitcointalk, and the dozens of other popular crypto forums, our team has helped grow our clients’ communities on all of them. This is powerful, grassroots crypto marketing which dovetails perfectly with links to premium publishers content – a double whammy for authority and trust.

Everyone Is Trying Influencers

But the reality is, old and established news media sites will deliver the trust, authority and instant creadability needed to cut through the BS, and. togive the next wave of crypto investors – the boomers – the confidence they need to engage.

These news sites are a unique and still largely untapped crypto marketing goldmine.

Contact us

Get In Touch

Contact us today to book your exploratory team call. Talk to a crypto marketing expert now, and start your journey to the moon.

We hate spam as much as you do!
Rest assured we will never pass on your details and will only ever send you Crypto Media Experts related emails.


71-75 Shelton Street, London, UK

Crypto Media Experts, T/A Acterion Ltd. Acterion is a registered company in Great Britain. Company number 13492319
